Election Day

Why “The Most Important Election of Our Lifetimes” is a hunk of garbage they’re trying to sell you...

Today you and I will be sold to.

Sold that the fate of the world is on our shoulders.

Sold that we should be glued to the television so that we’re aware of the ‘breaking news,’ and thus, relevant socially.

And sold that this is the most important election in history.

It’s all garbage.

Now, this is an important election, of course.

They all are.

Because we’re electing our public leaders.

Those who will represent us across our communities, states, and country.

People have given their lives for this right of representation.

It’s an incredibly important day.

But we’re also going through a tough time.

COVID is still here.

And most of us have these devices in our pockets, armed with social media - which tend to make it feel like there’s only bad things happening around us.

So just a warning:

They’re going to try to make us feel like it’s the end of the world...

...if we don’t vote for their candidate.
...if not enough people vote for our candidate.
...if we don’t “stay tuned.”

And all of it, is designed either to get our vote, or get our attention.

Enjoy the article.

And enjoy the day.

The Most Important Political Platitude of Our Lifetime (and Many Others)

This post is adapted from the podcast episode "The Most Important Podcast of Our Lifetime!" by Pessimists Archive. Listen to the full version . In October 1805, Pennsylvania Gov. Thomas McKean was up for reelection, and the editors of the Philadelphia Aurora wanted him stopped.

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