What I Learned from 80 Original LinkedIn Posts

What I Learned from 80 Original LinkedIn Posts

So, I'm convinced that 'Likes' and 'Comments' have nothing to do with how many times LinkedIn shows your posts to others. Let me tell you why...

Over the course of 5 months, I proceeded to push out 80 Original LinkedIn posts.

I spent a significant amount of time (anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes) crafting each one.

And often I approached the character limit of 1300 characters that LinkedIn allows per post.

Each post had an accompanying photo (sometimes a personal photo, sometimes a stock photo) or thumbnail link to a referenced story.

And posts were only made Monday through Thursday - leaving out Fridays and Weekends.

Lastly, as I baseline, I have about 2,000 connections on LinkedIn.

The image above shows the Views, Likes, and Comments of the top 10 most 'Liked' posts over that stretch.

The 3rd most Liked post came in 24th in terms of Views.

The 3rd most Commented on post (not shown) came in 48th in terms of Views.

After looking at the data, I've come to believe that the only measurable that impacts how many views a LinkedIn post receives is time-on-post (T.O.P.).

The longer you can get people to SPEND TIME on your post (reading, viewing, etc...), the more people LinkedIn will show the post to.

It's not about the 'Like.'

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