Flea Makes a Mark

Flea Makes a Mark

The other day I took my oldest to Barnes and Noble, and while browsing around I noticed a new book by Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist, Flea...

The book is called "Acid for Children."

And while I didn't know much about the musician/actor, the little that I did know of his persona led me to believe this to be an aptly titled book for his memoir.

I didn't give it much thought, and continued browsing.

But the next day, I stumbled onto an interview with him on a podcast I often listen to called "Broken Record."

Flea was interviewed in front of a live audience by Malcolm Gladwell (indeed).

And the interview is riveting.

The guy comes across as incredible - to the point that I feel embarrassed for how far the contrast is between my original perception of him, and the complete artist his interview and story revealed.

Here's the thing about his book...it doesn't even cover any of his time with the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

He wrote an entire memoir on the events that happened in his life BEFORE the band.

I haven't picked it up just yet.

But I think I might have to.

You can listen to the interview here: Awesome Flea Interview

I hope you find it as entertaining and beautiful as I did.

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