Personal Core Values

Here are the 5 Personal Core Values that I hold dear. See if yours line up...

Core Values are a guide; like a North Star.

Here are my 5, listed as the beliefs people have that I most connect with:

1. They believe in something bigger than themselves.

This could be religion, community, family or something else; but it’s about caring outside of ourselves.

2. They love learning and have a growth mindset.

I believe we were designed to grow, and that continued growth is a key to happiness.

3. They know the world is tough but choose to maintain a positive attitude.

A positive attitude is a gift that anyone can give others. And I appreciate those who make the choice to pour their energy into the good.

4. They put kids first, even if they don’t have kids.

There are others behind us. And we are stewards of their future. I align with those who hold this responsibility dear and take action in any way to support the next generation.

5. They support others who are trying new things.

It might be a silly or even foolish effort, but all growth is born from doing. And I support those who are using their hearts and minds to try new things, even if I don’t fully understand them.

What are your Core Values?

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