Searching for the Truth

When scouring the internet for information, please be on the lookout for the dangerous phenomenon Neil deGrasse Tyson discusses here...

It's called confirmation bias.

You've heard of it before, of course.

And, yes, it is dangerous.

Especially in times like these.

How important is THE TRUTH right now?

It's everything.

But there's a problem with the way search engines

like Google and others work...

They're not designed to find us THE TRUTH.

They're designed to find the answer that keeps us

using their product.

The one that keeps us on the page.

And that's because they're in the business of

advertising to us.

If they served up something we didn't like, they'd lose us.

Because that's how we human beings work.

But they don't want to do that.

That won't help them make money.

So instead they play to our biases.

And unfortunately, right now, if we think we know the

answer, there's a reasonable chance they're going to serve us up information that proves we're right.

Even when we're not.

And right now, we need to know THE TRUTH…in spite of

our egos.

So be careful out there.

Technology is fantastic when we understand how it


Then we have power over it.

Instead of the other way around.

(Video Credit: - Neil deGrasse Tyson Teaches Scientific Thinking and Communication) - I highly recommend this class

The Good From the Bad

The Good From the Bad

It's Just Easier to Blame the Technology

It's Just Easier to Blame the Technology